

Made my first gganimate figure! So useful for looking at your own data and would also be great for teaching.

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New website using Hugo and Blogdown

I recently remade my website with Hugo and Blogdown in R. I was inspired by Amber Thomas’s beautiful website, and she had written a blog post about the process of creating it. I relied heavily on her instructions and also on Jente Hidskes’ instructions, which have been updated since Amber wrote her post. I changed things a bit and avoided using the nested git repos. Hugo has tons of information on hosting using github pages.

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The new markdown syntax is awesome

I love how it automatically shows the compiled latex from math mode! Makes it a lot easier to read and avoid mistakes that take a long time to debug.

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Tracking my spending with and R

I was listening to Not So Standard Deviations yesterday, which combines my love of podcasts with my love of data science - highly recommend!. The hosts were talking about possibly doing their taxes and/or managing their finances in R.

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WHO air pollution model

One of my supervisors (Gavin Shaddick, University of Bath) has been working with his team and the WHO to estimate air pollution globally - the interactive data product went out yesterday and has been getting a lot of press! WHO Report Guardian article Science Daily article NPR NYTimes

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Metrics for assessing forecast accuracy

There are a number of ways to summarize forecast accuracy across a forecast horizon, but I’ve come to realize recently how unclear it is which measure to use in which situation - and how non-standardized it is. Sometimes we have data with different units, sometimes we have data with the same units but hugely different scales, sometimes outliers, and so on. We often want a measure that isn’t hugely sensitive to outliers and is scale-independent (relative).

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Animations Using the R Language hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); ## Animations generated in R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21) ## using the package animation library(gapminder) library(animation) library(gganimate) library(gridExtra) library(gpclib) library(RColorBrewer) library(shiny) library(rgeos) library(stringi) library(scales) library(plyr) library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(sp) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(dplyr) expr ## R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21) ## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) ## Other packages: gapminder 0.2.0, animation 2.5, gganimate, gridExtra 2.2.1, ## gpclib 1.5-5, RColorBrewer 1.

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